Monday, February 27, 2023

Yeast Infection No More – Is it An Effective Cure?

Yeast Infection No More is a downloadable e-book that contains information about the permanent cure for yeast infection. This is a holistic system that intends to help eradicate infections by targeting the main cause. 

The e-book was written by Linda Allen, a medical researcher, health consultant, nutritionist, and ex-sufferer of yeast infection. Using this as a guide for treating the infection is absolutely safe and non-evasive.

Yeast infection also called Candidiasis is a fungal infection of any yeasts species. This kind of infection is very dangerous if left untreated; it can spread and affect body organs such as the esophagus, lungs, and brain. In the long run, it can produce harmful toxins called Acetaldehyde into the body which can poison the infected host. 

The symptoms of Candidiasis include rashes, acne, migraines, menstrual pain, blurred vision, weight gain, chronic fatigue, muscular aches, allergies, constipation, or insomnia. The condition may worsen and may lead to other life-threatening diseases.

There are factors that cause the infection. Stress may lead to the production of yeast cells the body fails to fight against through increased sugar levels. When stressed, a chemical is released into the body that suppresses the immune system. 

Excess alcohol intake and Antibiotic overuse destroy good bacteria leading to yeasts flourishing in the gut. Birth control pills that contain estrogen also lead to yeast growth. The other causes include constipation, food allergies, constipation, and electromagnetic stress.

The Yeast Infection No More book guide contains 5 steps of simple treatment for Candidiasis. It contains tips on the right foods to eat, homemade remedies, herbal washes, and supplements. There are also bonus contents in the book and personal 3-month counseling with the author herself.

The 5-step simple cure for the yeast infection is easy to follow and only needs the cooperation of the person. The 6 dietary lessons given should be followed to stop the further development of yeasts. 

Taking nutritional supplements for the immune system is also vital. Detoxification by raw food diets, fasting, and juices can cleanse the system. The yeasts can be killed by using the products recommended in the e-book. The body must be supplied with all the good foods to stop the fungi overgrowth permanently.

Using the e-book as a guide to a healthy yeast-free body is a natural way without side effects to worry about. No drugs or medication are required. Unlike lotions or creams, which only relieve the symptoms temporarily, this system helps remove the infection forever. The e-book contains all the necessary things to know even the worse infections. Aside from the fact that it is holistic, it was written in a comprehensive manner anyone can follow.

Yeast Infection No More is an e-book containing a simple step-by-step solution for yeast attacks. It is safe and drug-free using all-natural ways to get rid of the infection.

Thursday, February 23, 2023

The Hidden Truth About Vaginal Yeast Infection Cause

Yeast infection is just one of the various kinds of infection to invade the vagina and the vulva (the area surrounding the vagina) causing the often-noted symptoms of vaginal yeast infection. It is also referred to as Candida, Monilia, and Thrush.

In fact, there are three types of Vaginitis (the general medical term referring to infections of the vagina):

1. Trichomoniasis: when protozoa acting as parasites generate the infection of the vagina

2. Bacterial vaginosis: a condition of vaginal infection, the majority is sexually transmitted and the result of bacteria

3. Yeast infection (candidiasis): yeasty microbes known as Candida albicans are responsible for the vaginal infection in this case.

Candida is typically resident in our gut, throat, mouth, and genitourinary complexes and is naturally present in the bowels (in particular, Candida Albicans, a fungal yeast-like organism).

Candida characteristics include identifying and eliminating bacteria and other disease-inducing microorganisms in the bowels. Candida albicans can be beneficial in their ability to defend our gut from other bacterial threats.

If our inner body mechanisms regulate the balance correctly between acid and alkali, our immune system is sufficiently robust and the friendly probiotic bacteria outweigh the Candida organisms (probiotic or friendly bacteria include L. salivarius, B. bifidum, Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, and Lactobacillus acidophilus). 

Thus, in our intestines, Candida is restricted to the right level. In a healthy state, a human being can be host to millions of Candida microbes that are in fact of inner benefit.

The catastrophic context for Candida yeast overpopulation occurs, however, when a weakened immune system, a diminution of friendly bacteria or toxicity or acidity in the blood conspires against our internal system.

These factors and cofactors encourage Candida overpopulation and are also causal in degrading an already-initiated yeast infection. Like other health problems, candidiasis is caused by a number of primary and secondary considerations and also the relationship between them.

These factors directly or indirectly from the environment in which Candida multiplies without bounds to cause a range of common symptoms of yeast infection; they include psychological, mental, lifestyle, and external elements as well.

Candida albicans mutate from simple, non-threatening yeast form to a form of mycelial fungus that travels through the rest of the body. Candida Overpopulation is really a phenomenon caused by internal imbalance.

The conditions which run from the annoying to high risk include leaky gut syndrome, nutrient incompatibility, rashes, brain fog and irritation, itchiness, swollenness, inflamed areas, and white vaginal discharge (vaginal candidiasis). 

This is because when Candida changes in form from yeast to fungus, root structures called rhizoids begin to grow and dig into the intestinal walls piercing holes. Yeast, toxic debris, bacteria, and undigested food can then enter the blood circulation.

Chiefly responsible for Candida yeast infection overpopulation are:

  • Substandard dietary selections and incorrect acid-alkali balance in the gut
  • Diminution in beneficial probiotic bacteria
  • A depressed immune system
  • Increased toxicity in the intestinal tract

These 4 items create the degraded environment for Candida Albicans to multiply and evolve from yeast to fungus, with concomitant symptoms such as yeast infection.

Lifestyle considerations such as stress, sexual habits, cleanliness, and even the kind of clothes that you wear can also accelerate a Candida condition that has already begun. Hormones out of balance, (during menstruation is one example), use of antibiotics, prescribed medication, steroids, and contraceptive pills can also launch attacks of yeast infection.

This also explains the problems that physicians have to get rid of this recurring medical condition using prescribed and over-the-counter drugs. Candidiasis and one of its most common variants, vaginal yeast infection, is primarily an internal problem brought on by two or more factors and therefore very problematical to resolve.

To eradicate the problem at the base, instead of only treating the symptoms of the problem (how the infected parts appear externally) requires a holistic multidimensional approach. It is a fact as well that every health problem including vaginal yeast infection has a multi-dimensional aspect.

Also, Pay Close Attention To This:

Linda Allen is a medical researcher, certified nutritionist, health consultant and author of the #1 best-selling e-book, "Yeast Infection No More- Open The Door To a Yeast Infection Free Life". 

To Learn More About Linda Allen's Unique 5-Step Holistic Yeast Infection Cure System Visit: Yeast Infection No More 

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Nail Fungus Oil Home Remedies - Do They Actually Work?

For millions of men and women, what often begins as a small white or yellowish spot just under the tip of the toenail quickly spreads to a full-blown case of unsightly and sometimes painful nail fungus infections caused by an overgrowth of yeasts and molds. 

Fortunately, there are various options to consider for treating this stubborn condition including the many unconventional nail fungus oil treatments gaining in popularity. But, are home remedies such as those really safe and effective alternatives?

Due to the proliferation of side effects from prescription medications, not to mention their ineffectiveness in many cases, quite a few of those millions suffering from toenail fungus are now turning to other means of treatment in hopes of a cure. 

In addition to preparations using inexpensive products commonly found in the medicine cabinet like Vicks VapoRub or in the kitchen such as ordinary white vinegar, using one or more of several essential oils for nail fungus has also been touted by some as a means of curing toenail fungus.

Essential Oil for Nail Fungus Home Remedies

A variety of essential oils, which are the essences of plants and flowers, including tea tree, lavender, and oregano oils are the most commonly used for treating nail fungus. Tea tree oil, which comes from the leaves of the Australian melaleuca alternifolia plant, is considered to be among the most powerful of all the antifungal essential oils and it also is believed to have antiseptic properties.

Oregano oil is also thought to have antifungal, antiseptic, antiviral, and antibacterial properties, and lavender oil is used in conjunction with tea tree oil for its healing effects. Coconut oil is another antifungal, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory essential oil used for treating nail infections. 

All of these toenail fungus oil treatments are applied topically to the nail and surrounding skin two or three times per day using a cotton ball or swab, or directly from the dropper, continuing on for as long as three to six months.

A Look at Conventional Toenail Fungus Treatments

Although benign in terms of its effect on one's health, toenail fungus is undoubtedly one of the most difficult conditions to successfully treat. Currently, there are only a few prescription medications approved by the FDA to choose from for treating nail fungus. 

Lamisil is an oral medication prescribed for toenail fungus that has been linked to serious side effects such as liver damage as well as gastrointestinal problems and even skin rashes. Other antifungal drugs can also cause a number of side effects including high blood pressure, vomiting, diarrhea, irregular heartbeat, loss of appetite, fever, and dizziness, just to name a few.

Most topical prescription medications naturally have fewer side effects, but the downside is that they also have a lower success rate in treating toenail fungus and must be used early on to even be effective at all.

Despite a lack of scientific evidence or approval from the FDA, come the claims that nail fungus oil treatments actually do work. Are those claims just hype or do these home remedies really outperform what modern medicine recommends?

The Pros and Cons of Using Nail Fungus Oil Treatments

Using natural methods such as nail fungus oil treatments for curing fungal infections is certainly an attractive option in light of the myriad side effects of prescription drugs. According to those who swear by their effectiveness, in addition to causing no serious side effects to save for the occasional rash, essential oils are relatively inexpensive, at least individually, and also easy to find.

However, despite the claims by the nameless and faceless on the Internet that an essential oil for nail fungus such as tea tree oil has cured their infection, there are countless others who have developed skin reactions including rashes and blisters after using the very same oils. And others still report absolutely no reaction at all, including no improvement or reduction of fungus on the toenails even with faithful, daily applications.

Using essential oils for nail fungus can also be expensive in the long run simply due to the many months such treatments must be administered. The sheer amount of time it takes before it is known if the treatment is effective or not is yet another drawback to consider to using a toenail fungus oil remedy.

And, even more importantly, the question of whether or not essential oils are even safe for topical use weighs heavy on the minds of many. Tea tree oil in particular is in danger of being banned completely in Europe after clinical trials resulted in serious skin rashes and allergies. 

Scientists in the United States believe the oil may have hormonal-like effects in boys leading to a condition known as gynecomastia or the growth of breasts.

Because the common problem of toenail fungus can be so difficult to treat it's extremely important to educate yourself thoroughly on all of the various treatment options. This includes those involving conventional medicine as well as alternative cures using nail fungus oil before investing both precious time and money in something that simply might not work despite all of your best efforts.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

3-Minute Shower Hack Flushes Away Fungus In Seconds

Kerassentials - Unique Fungus Dropper

Kerassentials are beneficial in the treatment of toenail fungus because they eliminate the fungus directly on the nail. The synergistic mix of chemicals included in Kerassentials is very efficient at destroying fungal spores and stopping the spread of these spores. If the fungus is still present on your nails after its activity has been interrupted, the combination may be able to remove it. 

Following this, the vitamin will work to boost the health of your nails. The components of the recipe help to encourage the growth of healthy, new nails. The combination not only bolsters your resistance to future fungal infections but also protects your nails against such infections in the future.

Here is a video that explains it better than I can

Monday, February 20, 2023

What Type of Fungus Do You Have?

There is more than one type of nail fungus infection?

Also called Onychomycosis, fungal infection of the nail is a very common occurrence and seems to be increasing. Nonetheless, most of us only know the types of nail fungus infection when we suffer from it.

Have you got fungus in your nail?

If yes, do you realize that you can better cure your nail fungus by knowing its type? Let me explain some of the more common types of infection. This article lets you know the different types of infections and their common symptoms. 

Before going into detail about the different types let's have some idea regarding the general nature of the fungus. Fungus mostly thrives in warm, moist, and dark conditions. Fungus in fact grows anywhere in the surroundings including our skin. 

Nail Fungal infection is generally caused when the fungus enters the nail through a cut, scratch, or wound. Here, the fungus finds the conditions, which allow it to grow and thrive.

Nail fungal infection is normally seen among individuals who are mostly exposed to warm and damp surroundings. Apart from the fungus, yeasts and molds can also cause toenail fungus.

What Are The Different Types Of Nail Fungus?

Distal Subungual Onychomycosis (DSO)

Distal subungual onychomycosis is the most common type of fungal infection The major cause of this type of nail fungal infection is dermatophytes, Trichophyton rubrum, a fungus adapted for living in skin, hair, and nails.

Generally, the fungus begins at the tip of the finger or toe. The fungus spread all over the matrix and infects both the nail bed.

Initial symptoms comprise separation of the nail plate from the nail-bed, and discoloration of certain parts of the infected nail plate. Finally, with the growth of fungus, the overall nail plate gets discolored and turns thick.

White Superficial Onychomycosis (WSO)

The second most common type of infection that generally infects the toenails, but not the fingernails, is White Superficial Onychomycosis. This type of onychomycosis is generally caused by the dermatophyte, Trichophyton mentagrophytes. This fungus grows on the upper layers of the nail, and gradually covers the complete nail plate. In the beginning, tiny white speckled patches are seen on the surface of the nail plate. 

As the fungus spreads, the white spots seen on the surface of the nail plate convert to white powder and finally crumble. The fungus extracts its nutrients from the nail plate by feeding on the protein, thus, making the nail deformed and crumbly.

Proximal Subungual Onychomycosis (PSO)

Trichophyton rubrum is the main cause of Proximal subungual onychomycosis, which is the least common type of fungus infection.

The fungus enters the nail bed through the proximal nail fold, the flap of skin covering the nail right behind the cuticle. The fungus invades the root, where the nail is built, and then moves toward the edge of the nail. 

As the symptoms of the PSO progress, the nail folds get infected with the thickening of the skin, which further separates the nail from the nail bed. The occurrence of this condition in healthy people may indicate an abnormality with the immune system.

Candidal Onychomycosis

Candidal onychomycosis is a type of nail fungus, where the nail gets infected by yeast called Candida. The skin next to the nail gets infected and may start to look swollen, this is an indication of the infection. The color of the nail-plate changes to various colors like green, white, or even brown. 

The nail may also lift off the nail bed. Candidal infection is generally common among people who suffer from candidal infection in places like the vagina or mouth. This type of Onychomycosis is also common among people who normally expose their hands to water or have nail trauma. The worst case of this onychomycosis could subsequently affect all of the nails.

Fungus infections may take months to clear, so don't get distressed if you don't see immediate results. Once the type of infection is confirmed, you can opt for either prescription medication, traditional home remedies, or a natural treatment.

If you are seeking an efficient treatment for your nail fungus, then your search ends here. Read below and you will find a solution to your problem.

An Efficient Natural Treatment For Nail Fungus

Many people use Natural Treatments for their toenail fungus since they are safe with no side effects.

Naturally derived, Tea Tree Oil, has shown considerable improvement with toenail fungus infection. There are different natural treatments available to cure toenail fungus infection, but Tea Tree Oil is considered the first option among all. There are various 'tea tree oil-enriched natural products available online for treating your toenail fungus infection.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

One Tablespoon of THIS Wipes Out Nail and Skin Fungus Fast

Every nail and skin fungus sufferer must see THIS urgent video!

There's a mind-bending solution that has been crushing every single lab test, leaving doctors speechless...

In fact, this totally surprising mix of ingredients is so powerful...

That taking just one tablespoon can make any infection vanish almost overnight...

While completely clearing your nails and skin...

And without you having to use any creams or antibiotics.

It's all explained on this page:

1 Tablespoon Wipes Out Skin and Nail Fungus

Click here to find out how to lose weight fast with this simple teeth-brushing technique.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Why is Toe Nail Fungus So Hard to Treat?

Nail fungus is an unsightly, sometimes painful condition that afflicts millions of Americans. More common in the toenails than the fingernails, this condition is notoriously difficult to treat. The following article discusses the reason why this is the case, and what physicians use most commonly to eradicate the infection.

Fungus is an organism, much like bacteria, viruses, parasites, plants, or animals. There are numerous species and forms of fungus, some large (like mushrooms), and some microscopic in size. The microscopic species of fungus are the ones that can invade the human body and use it as a scaffold to live off of. Infection of fungus can be seen in the lungs, the skin, and numerous orifices (such as the mouth and genital regions). 

While usually not life-threatening in reasonably healthy people, fungal infections are an annoyance and can cause numerous problems that prompt people to seek quick relief. Perhaps the most common location of fungal infection is found on the skin, which also includes the nails. 

Skin fungal infection goes by many common names depending on its location, including 'ringworm', 'jock itch', and 'athlete's foot'. Skin fungus thrives on the body where the environment is warm and moist, and that is why the feet and genital area seem to develop infections more readily. 

Foot fungus is transmitted, or 'caught', in wet areas like showers, locker rooms, and other public places where one is barefoot. Several different species of fungus can invade the feet, including molds and yeasts. However, the most common species of fungus that invades the foot is something called a dermatophyte. It is this species that causes nail infection most often.

Nails become infected when skin fungus takes advantage of a small crack or break in the nail tissue, and invades the skin surface resting underneath the nail. The fungus uses the nail above as a scaffold for living and thrives on the material of the skin underneath. 

Eventually, it will cause the nail to become loosened, discolored, thickened, and misshapen as the skin and nail surface become partially destroyed by the infection. The infection creates nail debris that is seen externally as crumbly material exiting the end of the nail.

So, why is this infection difficult to treat? Athlete's foot infection is easy to treat with topical creams, and nail fungus is the same organism. 

Why would it be harder to treat when it is in the nail? The answer lies in the nature of the nail itself. Nails are hard, compressed plates of tissue composed of keratin. 

This material is generally impervious to water, and the penetration capabilities of medicines applied topically to the nail are generally poor without a special formulation. Even if the medicine could penetrate the nail, because the nail is dense than skin the end concentration of medication reaching the undersurface of the nail is likely to be quite low, making it much less effective. 

Since the fungus lives off the skin underneath the nail, the medicine must reach the skin with enough concentration to kill it off in an environment that is most favorable to it- its home field so to speak. 

Most all topical anti-fungal medicines do not have this capability, as there is either poor penetration of the medicine due to their cream or solution-based formula, or the active ingredient is not active or concentrated enough against the more entrenched nail fungus. Many homespun therapies have developed in response to this difficult-to-treat nature. 

These include tea tree oil, Vicks, Listerine, vinegar soaks, as well as numerous others. Unfortunately, none of these have true demonstratable antifungal properties and have not been demonstrated scientifically to kill nail fungus. 

Some of these treatments can flush away debris or clear superficial discoloration, leading many to falsely believe their fungus is cured when the change is only superficial and the fungus persists. Additionally, not all nail discoloration is due to fungus, and these superficial treatments can sometimes clear the nail discoloration, leading to the anecdotal rumor that they work on 'fungus'.

Medical treatment of nail fungus is possible, but more involved than treatment of other basic non-life threatening skin infections. Clearly, the most effective way to deliver medicine into the skin underneath the nail is to bypass the nail altogether and send the medicine through the bloodstream to enter the skin surface from underneath. 

This is accomplished by taking a pill, which dissolves in the stomach and enters the bloodstream. There are two medicines currently available for this purpose, with one being used more commonly due to the medicine interaction issues of the other. 

Treatment must continue for three months before the infection can be effectively eradicated, and an additional six to nine months must go by before the destroyed nail grows out far enough that the new non-infected nail composes the entire nail length. 

Unfortunately, this medicine in rare cases can cause liver damage and should be avoided in those with liver disease, those who are taking certain medications that break down in the liver similarly, or those with other health issues like kidney disease.

A new generation of topical medication has emerged to address the need to replace internal medication, especially for those who cannot take it. These topical solutions use special oil-based formulations to help send the medicine through the nail plate. 

A prescription version has been available for quite some time, and a few over-the-counter versions have been developed that are distributed by physicians, primarily podiatrists. The most popular of these brands is called Formula 3. 

In the opinion of this author, this medication seems to be more effective clinically than the prescription topical medication based on eight years of generally unsuccessful use, and Formula 3 is used in his practice for this reason. Altogether, these topical medications are far less effective than internal medicine but are far safer for use. 

An extended period of use is required to destroy the fungus, which can take six months to a year depending on the rate of nail growth and severity of infection. Once again, much of this has to do with the ability of the medicine to reach the skin underneath the nail. These topical medications work better than store-bought creams and water-based solutions, which essentially only control fungus on the skin folds surrounding the nail. 

They do not work as well as internal medication, which still is not one hundred percent effective and still requires three months of treatment. All of this is due to the hardy nature of nail fungus given its entrenchment in the skin underneath the nail, and the relative shelter the thick nail plate provides.

Perhaps one day the pharmaceutical industry will develop a more effective medication for use with nail fungus. 

Unfortunately, in addition to the difficulty that current medication has in killing the fungus causing toenail infection, the observational theory that some nails may simply be more apt to developing nail fungus infection over others and the general overwhelming presence of fungus in our environment leads to the possibility that toenail fungus infection can reoccur over and over again. Steps can be made to prevent this infection from taking root in the nail again, but this requires regular vigilance.

Alternate technologies are being developed to make nail fungus treatment easier, and safer for repeated use if necessary. Laser therapy is becoming popular in many parts of the country. 

Several factors need to be considered by those seeking this treatment. It is expensive and insurance does not yet cover it. The results of a recent study in a medical journal did seem promising regarding its effectiveness. However, in this author's opinion, the study (which was funded by the laser manufacturer) did have some flaws. 

It did not follow the patients long enough to determine if there was a true long-term 'cure', and did not have a large enough number of patients studied to convince him of its overall validity. More study is needed before this treatment should be considered the go-to treatment for nail fungus, especially given its cost. Until then, toenail fungus remains a difficult-to-treat infection that affects millions worldwide, and demands a different approach than similar infections in the skin.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

Nail Fungus: Lack These Two Nutrients And You Risk Total Body Infection

Doctors and medical researchers are horrified...

They can't believe that if you lack these 2 nutrients, your nail fungus can turn into a total body infection...

Some unfortunate patients already have lost their legs and hands, and one even literally got "eaten alive" by a common bedsheet fungus [see true story here].

If you have nail fungus, you need to see this urgent public warning now!

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Simple Yeast Infection No More Review - Read It, Learn It, Cure It!

First, a little about the book itself, and the easiness to get through it.

After downloading this book, you will see that there is a great deal of reading material. Two hundred and fifty pages to be exact. However, a great point about this e-book is that it has a relatively larger print and is very easy to get through. This e-book is well worth the time. "Yeast Infection No More" is being called the top pick for curing these infections.

The writer, Linda Allen, states that taking infectious medications can have horrible effects on your body. And we all know that home remedies for yeast infections and over-the-counter yeast infections creams can cure your infection but for how long? More often than not, these infections will eventually come back.

These specific methods of getting rid of your infections will help you with how to cure your infection for good. They include a test to find out the seriousness of your infection, an easy 5-step holistic anti-Candida plan, a list of the ten best foods you can eat and the ten worst foods to avoid along with a twelve-hour symptom treatment that will provide you with relief. Linda also stresses the significance of probiotics. This e-book also comes with five bonus sections.

Yeast Infection No More - the ways to treat the infection

This course provides effective infection treatment and prevention as well as a permanent solution to yeast infections in an easy step-by-step format that is very easy to understand. It explains everything about these infections, what myths are out there regarding these types of infections and it shows you a natural cure for yeast infection. The author, Linda Allen, even offers three months of email counseling for free when buying this ebook.

Another great thing about the book "Yeast Infection No More" is that it comes with a two-month money-back guarantee. That is how much the author, Linda Allen, believes in her work. Anyone who reads it, can return the eBook and get a full refund - obviously, not many people do that, and the reason why is because the methods simply work.

By buying "Yeast Infection No More" today, you will discover that this e-book doesn't even compare to home remedies for yeast infections and other so-called "cures" for infections. How to treat a yeast infection - this question will be answered for good, so that you can become permanently infection free!

Thursday, February 9, 2023

The 4 Steps of A Candida Albicans Diet

The Candida Albicans diet is made up of a number of different elements and each one is there to help prevent further growth of the infection, reduce the symptoms that you may be suffering from, and help to fortify the body to naturally fight the infection.

There are generally considered to be 4 main steps that will need to be followed if you wish to really feel the beneficial effects of such a diet. 

However, before you start using any form of Candida Albicans diet it is vital that you talk to either your doctor or a qualified nutritionist in order to ensure that such a diet will not cause you further problems in the future. 

Seeking your doctor's advice, you will be able to receive tests to see if, in fact, you are suffering from Candida Albicans overgrowth or if the symptoms are part of some other underlying problem that could be complicated by an anti-candida diet.

The first stage of an anti-candida diet generally involves the elimination of foods that feed the candida, and so contribute to an overgrowth of Candida.

Normally during the first stage of the diet foods, which are either processed foods, contain processed sugars, are made using a fermentation process or contain yeast, or have any of these foods as ingredients that will need to be eliminated completely from your diet.

Also, simple carbohydrate foods such as potatoes and potato chips as well as all fungal products (mushrooms and cheeses which are produced using mold such as Stilton) should be eliminated from the diet.

After a period of around 12 weeks, there are some foods, which may be gradually reintroduced back into your diet, although this will depend on the progress made in reducing symptoms. The main food group that is a candidate for reintroduction is fruit. 

Fruit has such amazing health benefits that it is believed that they outweigh the potential problems that more sugar in the diet may cause through fruit sugars. Although, it is important that fruit is reintroduced slowly, and it should only make up a small proportion of the diet.

During stage 2 the body will need to adjust to cleanse itself of the toxins that are released by Candida Albicans (79 in total) and this is achieved by drinking plenty of water (around about 2 liters each day). 

Also drinking hot water with a small squeeze of fresh lemon is a great detoxifying agent, and although lemon is a fruit it is still permissible during this stage of the Candida diet.

Also during this stage, it is recommended to increase the intake of vegetables including salads and those with anti-fungal properties that inhibit the growth of Candida Albicans. 

Ensure that there are sufficient levels of protein in the diet, by increasing the amount of fish and poultry in the diet. It is often recommended that red meat be avoided during the first 4 weeks of this diet as it can place a further strain on an already weakened digestive system.

Continue reading to discover more about natural methods to relieve candida and candida albicans diet options by signing up for our free newsletter.

Stage 3 of the diet means that foods that contain probiotics (pro-life) bacteria can be added to the diet to bring back balance to the Gut flora. Probiotics or friendly bacteria are microorganisms that normally suppress the growth of candida in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. If they are depleted, generally through prolonged usage of certain medications, then the risk of a candida infection increases.

Either take a good probiotic supplement or consume "live" yogurt as part of a diet to repopulate the intestine with these friendly bacteria.

Whilst the final stage (stage 4) of the Candida Albicans diet allows a person to start to reintroduce those foods which were eliminated in the first stage of the diet, they should be reintroduced one at a time to monitor the effects they may have on the body.

If any of the foods that are reintroduced begin to cause problems then eliminate them from your diet immediately and monitor the effects.

Sunday, February 5, 2023

The Yogurt Yeast Infection Remedy Explained

A yogurt yeast infection remedy is an effective way to get rid of the symptoms of yeast infections without expensive drugs. It is increasingly being used as sufferers turn from their drug-based medications to more natural remedies. 

Here you'll get to know why, and the best ways to use the yogurt yeast infection remedy. But to understand just how it works you first need to be aware of the cause of yeast infection...

Any yeast infection remedy has to take into account a yeast-like fungus called Candida Albicans. This is found in our bodies but normally doesn't do us any harm, because there is enough of our body's 'friendly' bacteria to keep it in order, i.e. it doesn't multiply or 'overgrow' out of control.

But there are situations where the Candida fungi do overgrow and it's this that causes your yeast infection. These situations or 'triggers' are things such as too many antibiotics and/or steroids, poor diet, being overweight, a compromised immune system, stress, oral contraceptives, body pH, and many more.

Why are many sufferers turning to natural remedies for yeast infections? Probably because the mainstream topical creams and pessaries they get over-the-counter or through prescription are failing to cure their yeast infections permanently. 

These drug-based medications attack the local symptoms not the root cause. And the Canida Albicans can become resistant to the drugs. The outcome is recurring yeast infections.

So just what makes a yogurt yeast infection remedy so effective in many sufferers' eyes? First off, it can't be everyday yogurt, it must be plain yogurt with no sugar or fruit or color added. 

Further, it has to have "active cultures" printed on the label or container. This is important because it's one of these cultures that is the actual yeast infection remedy. It's called Lactobacillus acidophilus and is what is known as a 'friendly' bacteria. It's also one of the friendly bacteria that we have in our bodies. 

So by using yogurt we are effectively building up our reserves of good bacteria to prevent yeast infections.

Eating plain yogurt every day will help to address the Canida Albicans in the intestinal tract, which can be the starting point for yeast infections elsewhere.

Applying it to the local area symptoms will fight the Candida fungi there, for example, the vagina. Externally, you can apply directly to the vulva and lips. Internally, you can soak a tampon in the yogurt and use it overnight. Repeat the process until your symptoms have gone.

But yeast infection is pretty complex and just one home remedy on its own won't necessarily give you a complete cure. 

For a permanent cure, you need to address not just the local symptoms, but the root cause and other issues like diet and lifestyle. i.e. A complete treatment program and, of course, all without expensive drugs.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

Discover our 1 single tip to treat candida yeast infection in 12 hours.

Are You Suffering From Any of the Following Emotional or Physical Symptoms?

  • Itching or Burning Sensation In Your Intimate Parts
  • Vaginal Odor Or Vaginal Discharge
  • Leaky Gut Syndrome
  • Arthritis
  • Painful Urination or Other Urinary Disorders
  • Painful Sex
  • Sexual Dysfunction or Impotence
  • Depression or Mood Swings
  • Chronic Rashes
  • Constant Tiredness or Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Joint Pain or Swelling
  • PMS
  • Digestive Pain
  • Muscle Aches
  • Short Attention Span
  • Hand Pain
  • Hip and Knee Pain
  • Headaches or Constant Migraines
  • Constipation
  • Unexplainable Lack of Energy
  • Acne or Rosacea
  • Respiratory Infections
  • Bloating or IBS
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Menstrual Pain
  • Skin Lesions
  • Shortness of Breath
  • Food Allergies
  • Learning and Memory Problems
  • Increased Craving For Simple Carbohydrates
  • Eczema
  • Jumpy Legs
  • Blurred Vision Or Brain Fog
  • Oral Yeast Infection (Oral Thrush)
  • Male Yeast Infection
  • Yeast Infections in Your Toe or Fingernails
  • Unexplainable Feeling of "Not being yourself"

If you are suffering from any of the above symptoms, you can rest assured that I am going to help you treat these symptoms and afflictions by following a safe and simple 5-step holistic system.

Medical Researcher, Health Consultant, and Former

Yeast Infection Sufferer Teaches You How To:

  • Treat Your Candida Yeast Infection Quickly and Naturally Within 2 Months
  • Gain Complete Relief In As Little As 12 Hours!
  • Treat Vaginal, Male, and Oral Yeast Infections
  • Tackle Digestive Disorders and Allergies
  • Treat Fatigue and Muscle Aches
  • Tackle Migraines, Mood Swings, and Brain Fog
  • Treat Skin Related Yeast Infections
  • Treat The Rashes, Burning, Itching, and Discomfort
  • Regain Lost Energy and Vitality
  • Save 1000's Dollars On Drugs and Doctor Visits
  • Improve The Quality Of Your Life Dramatically!

Discover How She's Treated Her Chronic Candida Yeast Infection and Taught Thousands Of People Worldwide To Be Free From All Types of Yeast Infections:

  • Without Resorting To Drugs
  • Without Creams Or Lotions
  • Even If You Have a Very Severe Candida Infection
  • Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible!

Discover our 1 single tip to treat candida yeast infection in 12 hours.