Thursday, February 9, 2023

The 4 Steps of A Candida Albicans Diet

The Candida Albicans diet is made up of a number of different elements and each one is there to help prevent further growth of the infection, reduce the symptoms that you may be suffering from, and help to fortify the body to naturally fight the infection.

There are generally considered to be 4 main steps that will need to be followed if you wish to really feel the beneficial effects of such a diet. 

However, before you start using any form of Candida Albicans diet it is vital that you talk to either your doctor or a qualified nutritionist in order to ensure that such a diet will not cause you further problems in the future. 

Seeking your doctor's advice, you will be able to receive tests to see if, in fact, you are suffering from Candida Albicans overgrowth or if the symptoms are part of some other underlying problem that could be complicated by an anti-candida diet.

The first stage of an anti-candida diet generally involves the elimination of foods that feed the candida, and so contribute to an overgrowth of Candida.

Normally during the first stage of the diet foods, which are either processed foods, contain processed sugars, are made using a fermentation process or contain yeast, or have any of these foods as ingredients that will need to be eliminated completely from your diet.

Also, simple carbohydrate foods such as potatoes and potato chips as well as all fungal products (mushrooms and cheeses which are produced using mold such as Stilton) should be eliminated from the diet.

After a period of around 12 weeks, there are some foods, which may be gradually reintroduced back into your diet, although this will depend on the progress made in reducing symptoms. The main food group that is a candidate for reintroduction is fruit. 

Fruit has such amazing health benefits that it is believed that they outweigh the potential problems that more sugar in the diet may cause through fruit sugars. Although, it is important that fruit is reintroduced slowly, and it should only make up a small proportion of the diet.

During stage 2 the body will need to adjust to cleanse itself of the toxins that are released by Candida Albicans (79 in total) and this is achieved by drinking plenty of water (around about 2 liters each day). 

Also drinking hot water with a small squeeze of fresh lemon is a great detoxifying agent, and although lemon is a fruit it is still permissible during this stage of the Candida diet.

Also during this stage, it is recommended to increase the intake of vegetables including salads and those with anti-fungal properties that inhibit the growth of Candida Albicans. 

Ensure that there are sufficient levels of protein in the diet, by increasing the amount of fish and poultry in the diet. It is often recommended that red meat be avoided during the first 4 weeks of this diet as it can place a further strain on an already weakened digestive system.

Continue reading to discover more about natural methods to relieve candida and candida albicans diet options by signing up for our free newsletter.

Stage 3 of the diet means that foods that contain probiotics (pro-life) bacteria can be added to the diet to bring back balance to the Gut flora. Probiotics or friendly bacteria are microorganisms that normally suppress the growth of candida in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. If they are depleted, generally through prolonged usage of certain medications, then the risk of a candida infection increases.

Either take a good probiotic supplement or consume "live" yogurt as part of a diet to repopulate the intestine with these friendly bacteria.

Whilst the final stage (stage 4) of the Candida Albicans diet allows a person to start to reintroduce those foods which were eliminated in the first stage of the diet, they should be reintroduced one at a time to monitor the effects they may have on the body.

If any of the foods that are reintroduced begin to cause problems then eliminate them from your diet immediately and monitor the effects.