Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Can Electronic Devices Cause Yeast Infections?

Low sperm counts and erectile dysfunction may be blamed on cell phones and laptops, but it does not stop there. We all hear about these things on the news. But rarely, if ever do you hear about issues for women.

Women have issues with electronic devices as well. Although cell phones can be ruled out, laptops have a distinct quality that can make a woman miserable. If you use your laptop on a desk or table there probably is not an issue. If you use it on your lap, read on.

Laptops generate heat in varying degrees. Heat generates perspiration in equal degrees. Heat plus moisture provide an ideal environment for yeast. Yeast infections will cause a woman to not care about erectile dysfunction or low sperm counts. The itching, burning, and general discomfort will lead a woman to a place she would rather not go, both physically and mentally.

The medications for yeast infections are now available over the counter. They are sticky little suppositories and creams that take anywhere from one to seven days to work. There are now tests to ensure that it is a yeast infection. Women are so fortunate. They get to diagnose and treat themselves.

These yeast infections can also affect the thighs. If you keep that laptop on your lap long enough, there can be growth on the thighs as well. For this, you may need a prescription from the physician.

Diabetic patients are especially prone to yeast infections, but anyone can have them. If there is a propensity toward yeast infection, keeping your laptop on your lap will aggravate the issue.

Lap desks will provide some help. There are pros and cons to them as well. If it is a rigid desk, it can be very painful on your legs. If it is one that has those little beady things in it, be careful to keep them on the desk and not allow them to escape. They can kill a mouse or a laptop if they wind up in the wrong place. They can become “killer beads”.

You may ask where this information comes from. The education as to these issues comes from the miconazole or ketoconazole tube in the bathroom, the suppositories in the drawer, the dead mouse in the trash, and the new laptop on my lap.

Yes, it is still on my lap. Because of some neck issues, my time on a hard chair is limited and the recliner makes working a lot more comfortable. Everyone needs to find their comfort zone.

Over a year of ghostwriting for the internet, content has taught me more than the proper use of prepositions and the hazards of split infinitives. It has taught me to limit the amount of time that I work with the laptop on my lap. Once the perspiration begins, it is time to get up and walk a bit to cool off the hot spots.

Consider the steps to identify the problems. If you are a woman, if you use a laptop and if you have had a sudden outbreak of yeast infections on your skin or in more private areas, chances are I have identified the problem. Limit your laptop time.

Use some type of lap desk or platform to protect the heat from your laptop from hitting your skin. The pesky beads can protect you from some heat, but not all heat. Take a break and take a walk.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

Discover our 1 single tip to treat candida yeast infection in 12 hours

Yeast infection no more system teaches you how to treat yeast infection naturally and offers a more holistic approach.

In this guide, you will find a step-by-step system which teaches you how to treat your yeast infection naturally. It covers the following:-

Chapter 1 — An overview of yeast infection

Chapter 2 — How antibiotics keep yeast infections around

Chapter 3 — A simple 3-step plan for immediate relief

Chapter 4 — The YEAST INFECTION free lifestyle

Chapter 5 — Toxins contribute to yeast infection

Chapter 6 — How stress affects yeast infection

Chapter 7 — How sleep affects yeast infection

Chapter 8 — More yeast infection tips

Chapter 9 — step by step summary

In the program, you will find a multifaceted approach that only provides fast and simple strategies for quick relief from your yeast infection symptoms, but also ways of enhancing and supporting your body’s own beneficial bacteria through lifestyle and diet changes. You also receive lifetime customer support.

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