Friday, October 7, 2022

Gut Infections Could Be a Severe Yeast Infection

Severe yeast infections are caused when a more simple yeast infection is left untreated. This causes the infection to continue to get worse and causes the condition to move into the body systems. 

Candida albicans or monilla are the fungi primarily responsible for yeast infections. These fungi could develop and infect almost anywhere.

The most common sites of yeast infections are the gut, mouth, skin, ears, and vagina. If the yeast infection spreads to the gut, it is considered a severe yeast infection because it can cause severe complications. 

If you have ever been told you have intestinal permeability, you have a gut infection. Leaky gut is yet another term used to describe this condition.

When candida begins to develop roots, known as hypha, in the wall of your gut, it begins to cause wholes to occur. These hypae, the candida roots, continue to grow out of the bowel walls allowing acids and harmful microorganisms to pass. This is why it is called a leaky gut.

Other problems that can be caused due to leaky gut are food allergies, multiple sclerosis, Chron's disease, inflammatory bowel disease, eczema, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. Therefore, it is important to catch gut infections early.

There are many signs and symptoms of a leaky gut. These include:

Allergies to food

Feeling bloated, or getting gassy and having cramps shortly after eating

Alternating between constipation and diarrhea

Problems concentrating, being irritable, and getting headaches

And you may have swelling of the face around strong smells.

Gut infections are usually due to using drugs and other substances that kill good pro-biotic flora. Severe yeast infection of the gut or leaky gut is usually caused by:

Taking in too much caffeine or alcohol

Eating too many simple carbohydrates and sugars in food such as cake, soft drinks, white bread, candy, etc;

And taking too many or too strong antibiotics. Where caffeine, alcohol, and refined carbohydrates create a breeding ground for yeast, antibiotics cause yeast infections by killing the good bacteria and allowing the bad to grow.

Conventional treatments and antacids are usually given at the onset of a candida yeast infection. However, these treatments tend to lack effectiveness when treating the infection. This is how the yeast infection grows to cause a gut infection.

Once the leaky gut has developed, a long course of treatment has to be undergone. Many times the treatment for this severe yeast infection and to relieve the symptoms take years. 

It is a fact that in order to treat and prevent further severe yeast infections a person needs to change his/her lifestyle forever. This change in the way a person eats and lives should be supervised by medical professionals.

ATTENTION! Over 143,958 women and men in 157 countries worldwide have already used Linda Allen's Yeast Infection No More (TM) system to successfully treat their Candida yeast infections!