Friday, September 30, 2022

Yeast Infection Itchy Legs Aggravated by Large Thighs

Infection of the skin is known as 'external candida' and it is a fairly common problem. Men who drink too much can have the skin of the face affected especially above the eyebrows. Women who suffer from this can have it on the trunk as well as the legs. 

However, the yeast infection if left untreated usually takes a stronghold in the legs causing yeast infection and itchy legs.

The reason for this is unsure and more research is definitely needed on the causes of yeast infection and suitable treatments rather than one treatment treats such as standard hydrocortisone creams which rarely work. 

The area s most affected is usually the inside of the thighs and in the creases of the knees. The yeast infection will usually start between the thighs from the pubic crest and track down to the adductor tubercle just above the inside of the knees.

The problem with having skin infections located in this area is the thighs become constantly inflamed through walking and friction of the thighs rubbing together. This can be very painful, itchy, and uncomfortable especially if you have large thighs or you are overweight. 

The reason for the yeast infection to take hold in this area is that yeast likes warm and moist areas and this is the perfect breeding ground for the microscopic pores of the yeast infection. 

The signs in this area are small or large rings of inflamed skin that resemble a fungus infection. The rings are very noticeable and can be a mixture of red and yellow inflamed tissue. The yellow area is most likely where the body has been trying to fight off the infection and has left a residue of pus.

Eventually, this infection will cover the entire area of the thighs and settle around the knees causing pain with every movement. The subject is usually very dehydrated due to the high level of infection and will have difficulty sleeping at night. 

Constant painkillers such as paracetamol will be needed to dull the pain. The skin is usually very itchy and dry and it is very difficult for the sufferer to stop scratching. Unfortunately, this just spreads the infection further causing more problems. 

The yeast infection itchy legs will then turn to yeast infection itch arms as the bacteria will bury itself in the creases of the arms especially under the armpits and in the creases by the elbow. The skin under the arms becomes very dry and starts to crack. In worst cases, the skin can crack and bleed...

When the infection becomes this severe normal western medicine rarely works due to the makeup of the creams which contain products that aggravate the infection. Homeopathic medicines and internal detoxification are the only chance for the infection to be controlled and prevented from spreading to internal organs, the eyes, etc. 

Yeast infection and itchy legs should be treated seriously by medical practitioners from the start and not just seen as a rash.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

Want to know if you absolutely have a Candida Yeast Infection? Take the #1 online Test to find out what category of Candida Infection you fall into. Go to Yeast Infection No More.

The Cure is here! Never before has a natural Candida and Yeast Infection system been as effective at targeting and eliminating the root causes of both Candida and Chronic yeast infections as now.

Go to Yeast Infection No More to read about this first-of-a-kind natural cure.