Monday, December 12, 2022

5 Early Yeast Infection Symptoms That Signal A Need For Immediate Treatment

Yeast Infection Symptoms often mimic the symptoms of various other urinary tract infections. A good knowledge of these symptoms is helpful in applying an elimination checklist to narrow down the range of possible bugs or infective agents. 

The checklist doesn't confirm but can give a good estimate that symptoms are more than likely due to a yeast infection based on the number of matching symptoms shown. 

Without an official medical diagnosis, this exercise is necessary before applying home or natural yeast infection remedies that could prove to be the wrong therapy against other types of pathogens with similar infection symptoms.

These Are The Early Yeast Infection Symptoms That Should Raise A Red Flag

1. The primary symptom of a vaginal yeast infection in women is severe itching in and around the vulvar area. The itching may be sporadic(i.e. comes and goes) but can become severe and persistent enough to prevent walking due to pain and discomfort caused by inflammation and friction on the vulva and labia. 

The itching is often accompanied by a burning sensation during urination. Acidic urine irritates the inflamed area. A distinction between the itching and burning symptoms of yeast and other urinary tract infections can often be made by noting where the irritation exists. 

For the most part, the yeast creates irritation to the external(outer) vulvar area while most other urinary tract infections will irritate the internal(inner) tract.

2. Another symptom of yeast infection that is often evident is redness and soreness in the vulvar area. This redness and soreness eventually make the area so sensitive that sexual intercourse becomes painful and uncomfortable. 

Anti-inflammatory medication e.g. Hydrocortisone (topical), Cataflam(internal) and painkillers e.g.(Aspirin) may relieve this problem. 

The use of lubricant gels and cosmetic creams may ease pain due to friction but can delay healing by producing a negative irritant effect and act as a barrier to the action of appropriate anti-inflammatory and antifungal treatments.

3. A thick discharge that resembles cottage cheese is the next significant symptom. The discharge tends to be thick, white to pale yellow, or clear in color with a moldy unusual odor. It may have clumps or not. 

In many instances, there is no sign of any discharge symptom but that does not mean that the infection is not present and active. This symptom is not always present but arises more commonly based on immune status and the acuteness of the infection. This problem should never be addressed with cosmetic or fragranced preparations.

4. In the event of oral candidiasis the obvious symptoms of oral yeast infection are white patches that form on the hard and soft palate and tongue and possibly other areas of the oral cavity such as the inner cheeks. 

In some cases, the thrush or yeast may invade as far as the throat and oesophagus to produce symptoms of chronic and persistent dry coughing.

5. Yeast infection symptoms in men are not discussed as often as symptoms in women because the chronic genital infection is more common in women due to the design of female genitalia, hormone system(Estrogens), and biochemistry(Vaginal pH and bacterial count) which makes women more vulnerable. 

Furthermore, it is common for the average healthy woman to carry a passive natural flora of Candida Albicans yeast in the vagina but not so for men and the penis. The problem that arises here is that men can carry the infection on the Glans or foreskin often without obvious symptoms and act as carriers to produce infection symptoms in women. 

The main yeast infection symptoms in men tend to be itching and a fine red rash on the areas previously mentioned.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

Discover our 1 single tip to treat candida yeast infection in 12 hours.

Are You Suffering From Any of the Following Emotional or Physical Symptoms?

  • Itching or Burning Sensation In Your Intimate Parts
  • Vaginal Odor Or Vaginal Discharge
  • Leaky Gut Syndrome
  • Arthritis
  • Painful Urination or Other Urinary Disorders
  • Painful Sex
  • Sexual Dysfunction or Impotence
  • Depression or Mood Swings
  • Chronic Rashes
  • Constant Tiredness or Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Joint Pain or Swelling
  • PMS
  • Digestive Pain
  • Muscle Aches
  • Short Attention Span
  • Hand Pain
  • Hip and Knee Pain
  • Headaches or Constant Migraines
  • Constipation
  • Unexplainable Lack of Energy
  • Acne or Rosacea
  • Respiratory Infections
  • Bloating or IBS
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Menstrual Pain
  • Skin Lesions
  • Shortness of Breath
  • Food Allergies
  • Learning and Memory Problems
  • Increased Craving For Simple Carbohydrates
  • Eczema
  • Jumpy Legs
  • Blurred Vision Or Brain Fog
  • Oral Yeast Infection (Oral Thrush)
  • Male Yeast Infection
  • Yeast Infections in Your Toe or Fingernails
  • Unexplainable Feeling of "Not being yourself"

If you are suffering from any of the above symptoms, you can rest assured that I am going to help you treat these symptoms and afflictions by following a safe and simple 5-step holistic system.

Medical Researcher, Health Consultant, and Former

Yeast Infection Sufferer Teaches You How To:

  • Treat Your Candida Yeast Infection Quickly and Naturally Within 2 Months
  • Gain Complete Relief In As Little As 12 Hours!
  • Treat Vaginal, Male, and Oral Yeast Infections
  • Tackle Digestive Disorders and Allergies
  • Treat Fatigue and Muscle Aches
  • Tackle Migraines, Mood Swings, and Brain Fog
  • Treat Skin Related Yeast Infections
  • Treat The Rashes, Burning, Itching, and Discomfort
  • Regain Lost Energy and Vitality
  • Save 1000's Dollars On Drugs and Doctor Visits
  • Improve The Quality Of Your Life Dramatically!

Discover How She's Treated Her Chronic Candida Yeast Infection and Taught Thousands Of People Worldwide To Be Free From All Types of Yeast Infections:

  • Without Resorting To Drugs
  • Without Creams Or Lotions
  • Even If You Have a Very Severe Candida Infection
  • Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible!

Discover our 1 single tip to treat candida yeast infection in 12 hours.