Sunday, December 18, 2022

Candida Albicans Treatment Options For Skin Infections

The growth in the number of people suffering from yeast infections and particularly candida Albicans infection is increasing. Much of this growth has been put down to the westernized lifestyle of a diet that is high in sugars and processed foods, low in foods that support a healthy immune response and gut flora, and a busy schedule. So, what candida Albicans treatment options are there currently available?

Firstly, let's look at what candida Albicans are and how an infection may be spotted.

Candida albicans is the most common form of candida yeast. It lives naturally in the Gastrointestinal (GI) tract, and the warm, moist parts of our body, including the vagina, the oral cavity, and where there are folds in the skin.

Generally speaking, candida Albicans are not a threat to the health of the body. In fact, it has an important role to play in our intestines by recognizing and killing harmful bacteria in the gut. Without Candida albicans, we would be prey to many pathogen bacteria.

It is only when the body's immune system is weakened usually through poor dietary or lifestyle choices, certain medications,s and drugs, or adverse medical conditions that the candida can thrive.

Normally candida Albicans stays in its yeast state, which is non-invasive and metabolizes sugars. However, if allowed the thrive it changes to its fungal form, which is an invasive form that uses its tentacle-like roots to penetrate the mucosa or the intestinal wall. 

This can leave small holes, which allow toxins, bacteria from the gut, and undigested food the opportunity to enter the bloodstream.

Although a candida Albicans infection will generally occur in mucous membranes, it can happen anywhere on the skin. Candida infections, especially those infections found in the mucous membranes or genitals, are contagious and can be passed from person to person through sexual contact or even through indirect contacts like shared flannels or damp towels.

Candida albicans are typically found in the folds in the skin, like on the genitals, around the groin, under the breasts, or under the arms.

The signs of a candida Albicans skin infection include the following:

  • Purple itchy patches on the skin, with the itching sensation generally stronger on the outside of the patch.
  • There may also be blisters that appear around the itchy patch
  • There is likely to be a small amount of scaling

There are some people who have a greater risk of having candida Albicans skin infections including:

Those people with a compromised or weakened immune system, whether through a medical condition or through taking medication or drugs.

  • People who are overweight
  • Women who are pregnant
  • Those people who have diabetes, or another metabolic disorder
  • Babies
  • And, people who work in wet environments

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So what can be done to naturally alleviate the problems?

The first thing to realize is that a candida infection on the skin is unlikely to occur if the body is in good health and hygiene levels are improved. So here are some tips to reduce the risks.

  • Do not use other people's towels or flannels
  • Wear clothes that allow the skin to breathe and wick moisture like cotton or wool.
  • Change clothes regularly so that only dry, clean ones are worn
  • Wear leather shoes or sandals, not trainers so your feet can breathe
  • Dry skin well after a wash, and wash regularly.
  • People who are overweight should be careful about drying the skin folds and under skin folds thoroughly.

The candida Albicans treatment options for skin infections are partly common sense, as shown above, and there are also anti-fungal treatments that can be used to rid oneself of the initial infection. However, the best option is to speak with your doctor to get the prescription that best suits your situation.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

Want to know if you absolutely have a Candida Yeast Infection? Take the #1 online Test to find out what category of Candida Infection you fall into. Go to Yeast Infection No More.

The Cure is here! Never before has a natural Candida and Yeast Infection system been as effective at targeting and eliminating the root causes of both Candida and Chronic yeast infections as now.

Go to Yeast Infection No More to read about this first-of-a-kind natural cure.