Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Yeast Infection Home Remedy Versus Yeast Infection Medication - The Pros & the Cons!

A lot has been written about yeast infection and yeast infection remedies, whether the natural home remedy kind or the pharmaceutical or medication kind. While the aim is to inform or sell in most cases, the resultant effect of these written articles is actually confusing to most folk.

The truth of the matter is this; both methods have their uses and advantages, it just depends on what your aim is; are you seeking a permanent cure, or are you out for quick relief to the resulting physical symptoms?

The above question will help you decide if you should opt for medication, or if you should go for the more common home remedy.

This article assumes that you are already conversant with what yeast infection is all about; definition, cause, symptoms, and so on. So we will simply focus on exploring the pros and the cons of yeast infection home remedies and those of yeast infection medication.

By the end of this article, you should be better informed as to which of the two types of cures is best suited to your genetic and behavioral makeup. Tip: Read on till the end and get great advice on which you should opt for. Let's get to it a'ight?

Comparison #1 - Speed

All over the internet and in bookstores, you will find write-ups about how "fast" a cure "proven" yeast infection medication is. You will also be told that natural yeast infection cures are "dubious" at best...

Well, guess what? The reason why the former is "faster" is that it simply is targeted at the symptoms of this condition and not the root cause of it!

It only attacks the effects of yeast infection like; itching for example. Treating the "itch" is not the solution to the problem. The solution to the problem is "solving" the reason for the itch in the first place.

Comparison #2 - FDA Approved...Or Not

The fact that yeast medication is FDA-approved does not mean that it will work for your body type. They tout products like Monistat, Gyne-Lotrimin, and Vagistat in cream or suppository form and claim it is the "be-all" and "cure-all" of yeast...

Well, guess what? Not all solutions to ailments are FDA-approved. Let's say you are eating and begin to choke; do you wait for an FDA-approved solution before you grab a drink of water? No? Why not? You have seen, heard, or tried it before and it worked - that's why!

So are home remedies for yeast. People who tell you about this stuff are speaking from experience and they are telling you about things that they have proven as being effective. Whether or not the FDA has approved it - remember these are not drugs, they are stuff available in your home.

Comparison #3 - Messy

Medication for yeast infection is often "sold" to you as not being messy. My advice? Don't buy that sales pitch; let's analyze it okay?

Antifungal creams and suppositories are part of these medications, aren't they? Since they are, do you not need to wear a panty liner when you use them? What is the difference between the mess made by using these creams and that made by topical application of yogurt for example?

By the way, you do not need to topically apply yogurt to the infected area, you could simply opt to include it in your daily diet while eliminating your sugar intake completely. But with the medication cream can you opt to just lick it, drink it, or simply add it to your fruit juice?...

Nah! I didn't think so. My point? They are equally messy but home remedies offer you the choice of not going through the mess.

Comparison #4 - Know Your Infection

Before using yeast medication, you must ensure that what you are suffering from is really a yeast infection if not your condition/ailment may actually become worse.

With homeopathic alternatives, the result is not catastrophic if you do not get the diagnosis 100% correct because home remedies usually solve a whole lot of issues by default and are natural thereby "processable" by your body without nasty side effects.

ATTENTION! Over 143,958 women and men in 157 countries worldwide have already used Linda Allen's Yeast Infection No More (TM) system to successfully treat their Candida yeast infections!