Saturday, January 14, 2023

Avocado is an Essential Part of the Food Plan to Fight Vaginal Yeast Infection

Even if no food in itself can be a complete remedy against yeast infection, avocados are an example of one food that proves to be quite effective in restoring the right intestinal environment to stop the aggravation of vaginal yeast infection. Will a food plan that includes avocado help patients with vaginal yeast infections get better and get relief? The answer to this question needs careful consideration.

In the western world, 75 percent of all women will have to endure a vaginal infection at least once in their life, and some eight percent of women will suffer from chronic infections of this type. Vaginal candidiasis, or vaginal yeast infection, is a problem for millions of women in the world. 

Typically, vaginal candidiasis symptoms include redness or swelling of the vulva, burning, and itching which may be intense in the vaginal area, and a discharge that is frequently thick and white and takes on the appearance of cottage cheese.

This situation comes about when the candida microbe, usually found in the human body, (typically in the intestine in small and nondangerous quantities), grows out of all proportion. When this happens, candida passes through damaged membranes in the gut wall to get into the blood, which then causes both systemic and local yeast infections (including the vagina).

The damage to the internal equilibrium that should keep candida in check is due to several internal and external factors. They include the deterioration of the acid-alkaline balance in both the intestinal and the blood circulatory systems.

The "PH quotes level describes the" acid-alkaline balance " in the human body. The neutral point is defined as a PH of seven on this scale, which ranges from zero up to fourteen. A number lower than seven means that the environment is more alkaline, whereas a number higher than seven means that the environment is acidic. 7.4 is considered the best for human blood although this can range from 7.35 up to 7.45. 

However, outside of this normal range, a risk of severe impact on health is possible. When the blood has too much acid, the disease will more likely strike the body, and over-multiplication of candida will also be a result (candida multiplies much more rapidly in acid contexts).

Poor sleep and high stress amongst other things in the western lifestyle and poor diet habits increase the acids in your body. Nevertheless, by moving to a balanced diet that observes the proper acid and alkaline equilibrium, you just need to observe two main principles: eat more foods that form alkalis and moderate your intake of acid-forming foods.

Avocados, apricots, almonds, asparagus, and lettuce are examples of foods that form alkalis. Other foods in this list include figs, cabbage, carrots, spinach, cucumber, lemon, potatoes, soybeans, tomatoes, grapefruit, etc. 

On the other hand cheese, bread, meat, olives, fish, rice, and takes are all acid-forming foods. It is important to understand that foods in the second category should not be reduced completely but just combined in the right mix with the alkali-forming foods.

It is important to remember that because vaginal yeast infection is a complex phenomenon, being the result of many internal and external factors, neither avocados nor any other foods can be a complete treatment for candidiasis. Increasing more alkaline foods in your diet is a first albeit necessary step towards a holistic and full treatment of vaginal yeast infection.

Were you aware that there is now a remedy that is all-natural and holistic and that can deal with and stop vaginal yeast infection forever? This treatment contains healthy diet planning and modifications in the lifestyle, reduction of stress, and the use of supplements that are herbal and homeopathic together with cleansing and detoxification. 

These unique anti-candida protocols can reverse and stop all kinds of candida infections (including vaginal infections) fast and safely.

ATTENTION! Over 143,958 women and men in 157 countries worldwide have already used Linda Allen's Yeast Infection No More (TM) system to successfully treat their Candida yeast infections!