Thursday, January 19, 2023

Grapefruit Seed Extract - Can Grapefruit Seed Extract Really "Cure" Your Candida?

Candida is basically the overgrowth of yeast in our bodies. Though always present in small quantities, when overgrown yeast can harm our intestinal and endocrinal systems. The most harmful effect of Candidiasis is on the human brain. Mostly, Candida remains undiagnosed and doses of antibiotics increase the condition.

Antibiotics taken for any ailment do not discriminate between harmful and useful bacteria in the body and as a result, destroy both. Grapefruit seed extract or GSE has the ability to distinguish between the two and hence it inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria while encouraging the ones actually useful for body functions. 

Allan Sachs, Certified Clinical Nutritionist and Chiropractor writes in his book "The Authoritative Guide to Grapefruit Seed Extract": "Many holistic physicians, myself included, consider Candida Albicans as of the greatest health challenges to people of the industrialized nations. 

The broad spectrum, anti-fungal properties of GSE have made it an important part of successful anti-Candida programs - a fact that has linked the names Candida and Grapefruit Extract. With the help of GSE, thousands of individuals have overcome the multiple effects of Candida."

Patients with chronic Candida where no other medicine or treatment was effective showed improvement with Grapefruit seed extract. In the case of intestinal protozoan infections, drugs cannot be administered for a long period of time due to their toxicity. 

Since the condition requires prolonged treatment and Grapefruit seed extract has no harmful side effects, it is being used with results. Immunosuppressant patients take grapefruit seed extract for years without any side effects or resistance to the drug!

Whenever you begin a long-term treatment, your body reacts due to the release of toxins when the pathogens 'die'; called the 'Herxheimer reaction'. This may include fatigue, nausea, headache, and other similar symptoms. To avoid this, it is imperative to follow necessary dietary instructions along with prolonged treatment. 

For Candida patients, it is recommended to follow a detoxifying cleansing diet to begin the Grapefruit seed extraction therapy. Dr. Sachs recommends the following therapy for Candida patients:

  • Days 1 to 3 - one 125 mg capsule twice every day or 10 drops twice mixed with your fruit or vegetable juice.
  • Days 4 to 10 - one 125 mg capsule thrice or 15 drops two times a day.
  • Days 11 to 28 - two 125 mg capsules twice or thrice a day or 15 drops of the liquid concentrate thrice a day.
  • With the GSE treatment, intake of Garlic and Aloe Vera assists detoxification. 6 to 8 capsules of good quality probiotics containing Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium should be taken for three to four weeks.
  • All the doses are according to a person with a weight of 150 lbs; adjust these according to your weight. GSE should be taken in between meals and if it irritates the stomach, use it in powder form.

Chronic conditions require four to six-month therapy. It is important to strictly avoid sugar-rich foods, fermented foods, coffee, cigarette, and alcohol. One capsule of 100 or 125 mg is equal to 10 drops of the 50/50 dilution liquid concentrate of GSE; this will guide you as a 'rule of thumb' while converting dosage. Most of the capsules and bottles will not come with expiry dates as GSE has a long shelf life and never really loses its potency.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

Discover our 1 single tip to treat candida yeast infection in 12 hours.

Are You Suffering From Any of the Following Emotional or Physical Symptoms?

  • Itching or Burning Sensation In Your Intimate Parts
  • Vaginal Odor Or Vaginal Discharge
  • Leaky Gut Syndrome
  • Arthritis
  • Painful Urination or Other Urinary Disorders
  • Painful Sex
  • Sexual Dysfunction or Impotence
  • Depression or Mood Swings
  • Chronic Rashes
  • Constant Tiredness or Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Joint Pain or Swelling
  • PMS
  • Digestive Pain
  • Muscle Aches
  • Short Attention Span
  • Hand Pain
  • Hip and Knee Pain
  • Headaches or Constant Migraines
  • Constipation
  • Unexplainable Lack of Energy
  • Acne or Rosacea
  • Respiratory Infections
  • Bloating or IBS
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Menstrual Pain
  • Skin Lesions
  • Shortness of Breath
  • Food Allergies
  • Learning and Memory Problems
  • Increased Craving For Simple Carbohydrates
  • Eczema
  • Jumpy Legs
  • Blurred Vision Or Brain Fog
  • Oral Yeast Infection (Oral Thrush)
  • Male Yeast Infection
  • Yeast Infections in Your Toe or Fingernails
  • Unexplainable Feeling of "Not being yourself"

If you are suffering from any of the above symptoms, you can rest assured that I am going to help you treat these symptoms and afflictions by following a safe and simple 5-step holistic system.

Medical Researcher, Health Consultant, and Former

Yeast Infection Sufferer Teaches You How To:

  • Treat Your Candida Yeast Infection Quickly and Naturally Within 2 Months
  • Gain Complete Relief In As Little As 12 Hours!
  • Treat Vaginal, Male, and Oral Yeast Infections
  • Tackle Digestive Disorders and Allergies
  • Treat Fatigue and Muscle Aches
  • Tackle Migraines, Mood Swings, and Brain Fog
  • Treat Skin Related Yeast Infections
  • Treat The Rashes, Burning, Itching, and Discomfort
  • Regain Lost Energy and Vitality
  • Save 1000's Dollars On Drugs and Doctor Visits
  • Improve The Quality Of Your Life Dramatically!

Discover How She's Treated Her Chronic Candida Yeast Infection and Taught Thousands Of People Worldwide To Be Free From All Types of Yeast Infections:

  • Without Resorting To Drugs
  • Without Creams Or Lotions
  • Even If You Have a Very Severe Candida Infection
  • Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible!

Discover our 1 single tip to treat candida yeast infection in 12 hours.