Tuesday, January 31, 2023

The Top 3 Signs of Yeast Infection in Men

Yeast infection in men is a very real condition. When most people think of yeast infections, they think about the vaginal yeast infections seen in women. While it's much more common for women to develop unpleasant symptoms associated with a yeast infection, men become infected almost as often.

The main difference is that men frequently exhibit no symptoms that one would commonly associate with yeast overgrowth. This means that men can pass it back to their sexual partners without ever knowing they had an infection.

When symptoms of yeast infection in men do occur, they're usually very subtle, so you need to be eagle-eyed to spot them. Here are the top three signs of yeast infection in men.

1. Genital itching

In men, this is commonly known as "jock itch." Men may experience intense itching around their penis and testicles. There may be no other outward signs of the infection, so you can't tell just by looking at the genitals if an infection is present.

Men are more likely to develop genital itching if they create warm, dark, and damp conditions around their genitals, such as by wearing a jock strap out in the heat for long periods of time. If men become sweaty while wearing a jock strap, the chances of developing an infection are even higher.

2. Athlete's foot

In athlete's foot, it's the feet that experience intense itching. This is caused by wearing sweaty socks and encasing the feet in thick, hot sneakers for long periods of time. Alternately, an athlete's foot can be caused by going barefoot in public showers (something athletes are prone to do).

3. Oral thrush

Both men and women can develop signs and symptoms of yeast infections in their mouths and throats, though this is more commonly seen in men. The mouth is a perfect breeding ground for yeast, being warm, wet, and dark most of the time.

If a man has been exposed to a yeast infection and develops one in his mouth, he will experience white patches on his tongue, the insides of his cheeks, and in his throat. These patches may or may not itch.

Once these symptoms appear, steps should be taken to cure the infection. Letting a yeast infection go can severely compromise your health. Unchecked, the yeast can gain a foothold all over your body, causing a host of unpleasant symptoms, such as fatigue, mental fog, short attention span, arthritis, depression, and more.

Plus, treating only the symptoms isn't good enough. You have to address the cause for the infection to completely go away.

ATTENTION! Over 143,958 women and men in 157 countries worldwide have already used Linda Allen's Yeast Infection No More (TM) system to successfully treat their Candida yeast infections!